Top 10 eCommerce product niches 2021 in China market

1. MaskFaced with the sudden pandemic at the beginning of the year 2020, masks have become a kind of daily consumable product. Online platform data shows that since then, 7.5 billion people searched for “masks” online. 2. Egg beaterIn the days of staying at home, many netizens have practiced cooking skills. Online egg beaters are a popular item searched for nearly 100 million times throughout the year. 3. HelmetIn May this year, the Ministry of Public Security’s Traffic Management Bureau requested all localities to steadily promote the “One Helmet, One Belt” safety protection action, and all provinces are actively implementing and carrying out various safety promotions. In May, helmets became the item with the highest sales growth year-on-year online. 4. JerseyThe unexpected death of basketball superstar Kobe has prompted many fans to buy “No. 24 jersey” in memory of Kobe, and Taobao’s annual transaction volume increased by 6.8 times year-on-year. 5. JK uniformJK uniforms, originally intended for Japanese girls’ high school uniforms, are very expensive. Many merchants sensed business opportunities and sold domestically-made affordable JK uniforms, which quickly made JK uniforms out of the circle. In the second quarter, the transaction value of JK uniforms soared by 255% year-on-year. 6. Feed the catDue to the increase of shit shoveling officers, the sales volume of this year’s “door-to-door cat feeding” service has increased by 220 times year-on-year. 7. Hot dry noodlesIn 2021, the transaction volume of online store “hot dry noodles” doubled! Foodies are cheering for Wuhan and helping hot dry noodles! 8. 5G mobile phoneThis year, 5G Taobao searched 290 million times, which also brought a substantial increase in 5G mobile phone sales. 9. UltramanThis year, the online platform search volume of “Ultraman” exceeded 200 million times. 10. Blind boxNot long ago, Bubble Mart was launched, arousing the public’s attention to the blind box market. In 2020, the number of blind box searches on Taobao reached 300 million.
Elementor #686
Journaling may seem outdated, but it’s no longer just for diary writers. Journal writing can be an incredible tool, whether you need a place to vent, want to reflect on positive events in your life, or jot down different aspects of yourself and how they affect you. Here are the reasons why you should keep a CBD journal: CBD notebooks may help you save moneyIf you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of expenses. A notebook can help you keep track of how much oil or other products you use each month. This way, if you find that a certain product works well for you, you can buy in bulk and save money in the long run. Doing so will help you better understand what dose is best for you and when you need more or less CBD. Also, by documenting your experience with CBD, you might help researchers learn more about how these products affect different people—but for now, let’s focus on your personal interests. Having a CBD Magazine can help you make the most of your encounterJournal writing can help you make the most of your experience. Documenting how it affects you and the most effective dose is one way to ensure you get the full benefits of cannabis. For example, if 3 mg doesn’t seem to help, but 5 mg helps, then journaling allows you to see the pattern emerge to determine if increasing your daily dose by another 2 mg is better than just moving forward and taking only Five mill igrams per day. Keeping a CBD notebook can help you stay on trackTaking notes can help you stay on target. If you have specific things you want to accomplish each month, keeping a journal of how these affect your symptoms and whether they are fulfilling will give you a better idea of what works for your body. For example, perhaps keeping a record at the beginning of the week can give you an idea of which days are best for going out in public rather than being home alone, so that when Friday night finally arrives, the outing isn’t as overwhelming as it was last weekend. Or maybe journaling before bed lets you know that taking some CBD before the movie helps you feel after the movie. CBD-Notebook can help you identify the ideal product When trying a new product, writing a journal of the experience can help you decide if the product is right for you. If you use tinctures and find that you prefer gummies, journals show the pattern and expose you to new products like CBD mints instead of oils. On the other hand, if your diary shows that capsules work better for you and CBD vaping doesn’t do anything, you might want to try switching to capsules instead of continuing to vape. You might also want organic vegan CBD instead of a flavored version? It’s all about finding and tracking what’s best for your body.
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World’s Longest Glass Bottom Bridge in Zhangjiajie

World’s Longest Glass Bottom Bridge Opened, tourists can walk throughout the bridge and the more adventurous may be in a position to bungee bounce. Travellers can stroll across the bridge and the more adventurous can be in a position to bungee soar. Tourists who undergo vertigo need not practice. The realm’s highest and longest glass-bottomed bridge opened in China’s dazzling Zhangjiajie mountains Some 430 metres (1400 feet) long and suspended 300 metres above the earth, the bridge spans the canyon between two mountain cliffs in Zhangjiajie park in China’s primary Hunan province. Six metres large and made of some 99 panels of clear glass, the bridge can elevate up to 800 people at the equal time, an reliable in Zhangjiajie — a favoured vacationer vacation spot, travellers can walk across the bridge, designed with the aid of Israeli architect Haim Dotan, and the greater adventurous may be able to bungee start or journey a cable cart line. Cameras and selfie sticks are banned, and people wearing stilettos aren’t allowed to stroll on the bridge.
The Greatest Things To Do In Yosemite

Yosemite is one of the most customary country wide parks, and for respectable rationale: it’s got staggering vistas, natural world and historical past. And whereas the most effective issues to do in Yosemite encompass breathtaking walks, gigantic waterfalls, and superb vistas – mountain climbing isn’t the most effective issue to do there. Sure, the two most established Yosemite activities are hiking and tenting – both at busy campgrounds on the valley ground or within the backcountry reached by making a greater solitary jaunt – however there’s so a lot extra to Yosemite. Trying to find whatever thing to do anyway mountaineering and camping? Yosemite truly has it all, from lively activities like horseback using and skydiving to contemplative paintings-making, photography and yoga. Which you could drink satisfactory wine and get a therapeutic massage at a inn, or tough it by way of filtering river water to drink in areas of the park where few people mission. You’ll be surrounded through bears, even if considered or unseen, and appreciate extraordinary granite monoliths and significant sequoia in this park that sparked the nation’s discussion of preserving land for its herbal attractiveness.
天地人正能量 阿里山日月潭和蘭潭小行星命名

近期公告以台灣小學和著名風景區命名的小行星,其中三顆為中央大學鹿林天文台所發現,分別是編號321131的Alishan(阿里山)、編號300286的Zintun(日月潭),以及編號300150的Lantan(蘭潭)。為台灣帶來一些好消息與正能量! 蘭潭國小是“嘉義市天文協會”的基地,長期推動自然科學與天文教育不遺餘力。蘭潭國小是“嘉義市天文協會”的基地,長期推動自然科學與天文教育不遺餘力。 天時、地利和人和,是小行星能否成功發現的三要素,“阿里山”、“日月潭”及“蘭潭”三顆小行星也正代表了天地人。 《小行星故事》一書,就是希望彰顯出台灣美好價值。疫情日益嚴峻之際,更可看出宇宙無比浩瀚,人類何其渺小。但如果能夠重視教育,團結合作,一定能夠克服任何困難。 阿里山位於台灣中部嘉義和南投之間的旅遊風景區,阿里山以日出、雲海、晚霞、森林和小鐵路聞名於世,合稱阿里山五大奇景。 Zintun是日月潭的邵族名,位於台灣中部,海拔748公尺,是台灣唯一的天然大湖;拉魯島的南部形狀像新月一樣,北部形狀像太陽,因此得名日月潭。 台18線阿里山公路及台21線新中橫公路,沿途景觀優美壯麗、生態豐富,串起阿里山與日月潭兩大國際級景點,包括阿里山國家風景區、日月潭國家風景區和玉山國家公園。公路交接處最高點的玉山國家公園塔塔加地區,可將台灣第一高山玉山美景盡收眼底,正是中央大學鹿林天文台的所在地,也是發現小行星的地方。 人文嘉義、天文蘭潭。蘭潭國小是“嘉義市天文協會”的基地,30多年來推動自然科學與天文教育,2020嘉義市日環食活動掀起台灣天文熱潮,讓許多人親眼目睹這個台灣百年難得一見的天文奇景。
The positive energy of heaven, earth and people named Alishan Sun Moon Lake and Lantan asteroids

Recently announced asteroids named after primary schools and famous scenic spots in Taiwan, three of which were discovered by the Lulin Observatory of Central University, namely Alishan (Alishan) No. 321131, Zintun (Sun Moon Lake) No. 300286, and Lantan No. 300150 (Lantan). Bring some good news and positive energy to Taiwan! Lantan Elementary School is the base of the “Chiayi City Astronomical Association”, and has spared no effort in promoting natural science and astronomy education for a long time. Lantan Elementary School is the base of the “Chiayi City Astronomical Association”, and has spared no effort in promoting natural science and astronomy education for a long time. Weather, geography, and people are the three elements that determine whether asteroids can be successfully discovered. The three asteroids “Alishan”, “Sun Moon Lake” and “Lantan” also represent the heaven, earth and people. The book “Asteroid Story” hopes to demonstrate the beautiful value of Taiwan. When the epidemic is getting more and more severe, it can be seen how vast the universe is and how small human beings are. But if we can attach importance to education and work together, we will be able to overcome any difficulties. Alishan is located in the tourist scenic area between Chiayi and Nantou in central Taiwan. Alishan is famous for its sunrise, sea of clouds, sunset, forest and small railway. It is collectively called the five wonders of Alishan. Zintun is the Thao name of Sun Moon Lake, located in central Taiwan, with an altitude of 748 meters. It is the only natural large lake in Taiwan; the southern part of Lalu Island is shaped like a crescent moon, and the northern part is shaped like the sun, hence the name Sun Moon Lake. The Alishan Highway on Taiwan No. 18 and the Xinzhongheng Highway on Taiwan No. 21 have beautiful scenery and rich ecology along the way, linking two international scenic spots, Alishan and Sun Moon Lake, including Alishan National Scenic Area, Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area and Yushan National Park. . The Tataga area of Yushan National Park, the highest point at the intersection of the highway, offers a panoramic view of Yushan, the highest mountain in Taiwan. It is the location of the Lulin Observatory of Central University and the place where asteroids were discovered. Humanities Chiayi, Astronomy Lantan. Lantan Elementary School is the base of the “Chiayi City Astronomy Association”. It has promoted natural science and astronomy education for more than 30 years. The 2020 Chiayi City Eclipse event has set off a wave of astronomy in Taiwan, allowing many people to witness this rare astronomical wonder in Taiwan for a century. scene.
What Do Excursionists Desire This Summer Time?

Tourism pots need further than ever to grasp the demand for shuttle with atomic perfection to concentrate their investments within the absolute stylish approach. The use of Italy as an illustration, the country is in a gorgeous position within the European environment with 17 of preferences, making it the 2nd holiday spot chosen by way of trippers, after Spain, seeing that reservations unless March 2022. This interpretation of the analytics of what excursionists intend to do, specifically with summer season just across the corner, is made by way of Sojern, a digital advertising and marketing platform for the go back and forth business. For the business, the key is the look at of algorithms from social networks to the web, to sensible television, as every little thing speaks to an decreasingly defined customer in true- time. The company is prognosticating within the case of Italy, tremendous sightseer tendencies, with a more profitable tendency to domestic and European holiday passages. Rome ranks at 2 of preferences and is the eighth chosen holiday spot in Europe, espoused incontinently via Sardinia. Italy is the alternate favorite holiday spot in Europe also via American trippers – a veritably critical long- latitude request for incoming excursionists. For US excursionists, Rome represents the real ideal – with 10 of preferences, it takes 2nd place in the standing of favourite destinations in Europe, espoused via Milan( 3) and Venice( 2) placed within the ranking of favourite locales in Europe at tenth and 14th position. this is distinct from the center japanese requests which, for the primary time after the epidemic, suggests a pivotal exertion in Italy within the European environment. For them, Italy is in fourth area among the favorite locales in Europe with 7 of preferences. In first vicinity for this request is Milan with 3 of preferences, which ranks at number 10 in the ranking of basically the most regular European destinations in the summertime of 2022, followed by means of Rome at number 14 in the ranking with 2 of preferences. This summer time 2022 will surely be different from these of the old 2 times, for the primary time akin to 2019, now considered “ time zero ” economically talking in tourism. Trip intentions are 35 country wide, 32 European, and 34 long- haul vicinity Europe. “ The analysis to ebook a vacation in Italy from the United States started this time with a major decline of- forty five in 2019 but automatically reached equality around the first many days in February and at 20 good for the entire of February until the outbreak of the conflict which marks, for Italy, utmost effective a small detail lessen, still all the time in harmonious rehabilitation in comparison to 2019. “ at present, individualities in the US who are searching for a trip online towards Italy are turning out to be more and more, ” refocused out Luca Romozzi, artificial Director for Europe. What does not trade, besides the fact that children, is the regular hunt by americans for destinations and air breakouts each month of the 12 months, a trend that changed into dependent itself in 2019 and which in 2022 is proving to be decreasingly pivotal. Seasonal adaptation is now a reality. This capacity that we must are trying to at each times and always allure excursionists, indeed with conditioning outside tourism.
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